Send Us Your Work
If you’d like us to publish your written work — including fiction, essays, poems, lyrics, and work for our Dispatches and Manifestations sections: Send it by email to iamiyesai [at] gmail [dot] com, pasted into the email’s body with no attachments, with the envisioned section in the subject line. Please provide the work’s basic information (name, length), other identifying aspects (at your discretion), and information about yourself in an abridged query letter.
For novellas, novels, story collections, and unclassifiable longer work, please send a query letter including basic information about the work — teaser/synopsis, central characters, length, other identifying aspects — and about yourself if you so desire, along with a twelve-page (~3,000-word) excerpt.
For music, either send as an attachment or send a link by which we might listen to it.
We look forward to seeing what you’ve done, and thank you for your readership.
- Patrick